
Clean and Green

   Alright! I'm pretty excited about this!  It's my first fully realized and completed (mini)comic!  "Clean and Green"  Yaaayy!!

   It's been quite some time putting it all together, and man has it been worth it.  The original spark for this comic came from a few young lads in an elementary school that quite promotes good stewarding of our Earth.  Since I feel that this is a great cause, and should be a more common way of thinking amongst us humans, I decided to muse on their characters of Captain Compost and the Recycle Kid and produce this comic, Clean and Green.

   I originally planned to print out a bunch of copies and hand them out to the kids at school, and to friends, family, and even strangers, but I sadly learned that it is indeed quite spendy to print hundreds of full color double sided prints.  So, I have begrudgingly against the will of my multi-color loving soul, decided to print them in black and white for the sharing.  That being so, if you have one of these B&W copies (or even if you don't), I have made a full COLOR eBook version which I will post right here!  I will also soon post the option to purchase a full color printed version for you or your children to have and carry around, and share with their friends.  Because there is nothing more important than our children and their future.  Keep it clean, keep it green.

And so without further ado, the mini-comic, Clean and Green!

Clean and Green Comics by Kaleb Draws

I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed making it!  And if you do, share it with your friends, or let me know what you thought.

Thanks, Kaleb

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