

I've been thinking about this blog for some time, and how I have not posted in a while. I am currently working on a super secret project that is taking up almost all of my free time! Free time that comes after a 9 hour work day, feeding, bathing, and putting to bed two terribly awesome kids, cleaning up after that whirlwind, making lunches, and then making a drink, because that is part of the process and not on free time. NEways, I realize what it's like to have finally found a gem among the rocks that is "the internet" and have it not be updated for so long that you slowly forget about it. Please my 9 friends, don't forget about me! I still draw! Of course just saying this takes away from my precious drawing time. So, for tonight, (and probably a bit more time), I bid you adieu, until I doodle something fors yous later!


1 comment:

  1. Your last drawing post was on the exact day I got to Oakland. Coincidence? I think not.
